* The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
* Each player answers the questions about himself or herself.
* At the end of the post, blah, blah blah...this is all Swinebread's fault!
Ten Years Ago I WasWorking long hours at a stressful job and being a single parent to a crazy fun kid!
Five Things on Today's To Do List1.
Something (said w/a Kids in the Hall simper...)
2. Finish weeding the front flower bed and buy some barkdust for it also.
3. Recover from yesterday's drive to Everett..
4. Figure out what the hell else is happening this week.
5. Housework.
Things I'd do if I were a BillionaireBuild a bill ol' house (ranch) in the country...with the whole off-the-grid renewable energy thing....
Start a charitable foundation and give loads of money away to education, environmental causes, Theater groups, and social justice organizations.
Have some blow-out parties for friends and family at our "ranch" for all the 8 Wheel of the Year celebrations (Mabon, Halloween, Yule, Candlemas, Easter, May Day, Litha and Lughnasah).
Start a collection of Native & Historical Dress (Norwegian Bunads, Scottish Kilts, German/Swiss Volktracht, Mountain Man/Metis wear, French Norman Paysan & BOURGEOISIE RURALE, as many 1930's repro's as I a lay my hands on...etc.)
Visit Norway, France, Ireland, England, Switzerland/Austria, New Zealand/Hawaii, Japan and anywhere else that strikes my fancy.
Work on my French, learn Spanish, relearn my German...maybe pick up Russian, Classical Greek and Classical Latin...maybe some Norwegian too
Three Bad Habits(these are the same!)
1) Food
2) Daydreaming too much
3) Not enough exercise
Five Places I've livedSanta Clara CA, Washington DC, Saltillo Mexico (6 months), Portland OR
Six Jobs I've had in Life (not in order)1) Hotel Maid & Schwimmbad Putzen!
2) Operations "coordinator" for overseas ER response.
3) Undocumented English Teacher.
4) Fille au pair (glorfied babysitter or "nanny").
5) Bookkeeper
6) Many, many Food service jobs...
I'll tag anyone that reads this blog and feels like doing it...