Saturday, January 3, 2009

An Epiphany

The first weekend in January is the time when the French eat a special cake called "La Gallette", a pastry-wrapped disc enclosing a delicious almond paste interior...and a little ceramic item called a "feve" (there is no English equivalent). Here is a great authentic recipe, along with picture of the cake with a paper crown. Whomever finds the "feve" in their piece becomes King or Queen for the day.

The picture above is from a book I've read to my daughter's classes for many's basically a Gingerbread man-type story "Run, Run, you can't catch me!" but of course he's caught by the sly fox in the end!

This time of year is also a nice wind down from the hectic holiday season; I had an "Epiphany" of sorts also...I've decided to make some simple daily a 5-minute morning meditation on the (Majors only) Gaian Tarot Deck I received as a Yule gift. My two other commitments are to redo my resume in order to get a REAL job in the next 3 months, and to either do yoga, or take a walk every single day.

Three things, three Kings - hmmm kind of fits, doesn't it?

Can't wait to work up some inspiring endeavors for Imbolc/St. Brigid's Day!


Don Snabulus said...

Those are all good things. If you get a high-paying job, I can spend more on hookers and coke! Well, maybe we can just stick with better health insurance. ;)

Hypatia said...

Hey Snabby, not before I can spend it on chocolate & craft items to spread all around the house..which I will get to some time in my old age!

Swinebread said...
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Swinebread said...

I'm so glad you didn't call them new year resolutions.

You appling focus on things you feel you need to work on. I like that so much better.

good luck on the hookers and coke... I mean the job hunt

keithinsouthwestfrance said...

Did the cake thing last night in Puymaurin. Will do it in our town next Friday night. Then Saturday night in the neighboring canton of Aurignac. See

I am going to do a blog on this town in the near future.
Along with the Epiphany Cake they serve white wine, but before you get to eat or drink you have to listen to the mayor tell what he has planned for the commune in the next year.

keithinsouthwestfrance said...

I forgot to say I got the feve in my piece of cake and almost broke a tooth. I did not want to wear the crown, so I passed the feve on to a four year old girl and she wore the crown for the rest of the evening.

Hypatia said...

Keith, that is cool..although not to break your tooth on the feve! This commune sounds so interesting, the more posts you do, the more I want to know!