Monday, February 2, 2009

Imbolc-First Post

Brigit pours out her Blessings

I really like this time of year, when the sun starts coming back, the spring flowers start poking their heads above ground and the frenzy of the mid-winter holidays are behind us. I especially love snowdrops, often the very first blooms of the season. I sometimes use old Catholic name for this holiday, Candlemas
. I like to celebrate it by making a Brigid's Cross, to hang over our threshold during the year (you can see examples in the background in the picture above); put away or burn any remaining mid-winter decorations and renew New Years resolutions.

There are several holidays that fall around this time as well:

1. Valentine's Day - Apersonal favorite as this is when my husband & I celebrate our "anniversary" - even though we were married in August.

2. Imbolc/Oimelc, a Wiccan/Pagan Sabbat (Holy Day); Often a day when new initiates are accepted into covens or begin individual studies with an elder. It also celebrates the end of Winter and the first day of Spring (despite Ground Hog Day stating "4 more weeks of Winter" usually!)

4. Mardi Gras! - Link takes you to the official New Orleans website...Party time!


smoke said...

I dig #3


Hypatia said...

Thanks Smoke, I love Mardi Gras too...someday I'll get down to New Orleans to really celebrate!

Don Snabulus said...

We had a great Valentine's Day considering we didn't travel anywhere. Bring on Mardi Gras!