Saturday, April 19, 2008

April Full Moon

Tonight I did a really simple Full Moon Ritual with my was really low-key, relaxing and short! I took a photo of the table, with a bowl of floating crabapple blossoms, glass holders for the 3 elements (Earth [salt or herbs], Sea [water infused w/drops of Holy Oil] and Sky [a bell or sage-depending on if we're inside or outside] that I use to consecrate the house or yard for the ritual. I also include holder for at least one candle to light and we've got 3 glasses for our "Maiwein" (lemonade).

Earlier in the day I cut branches off my neighbor's crab apple tree...something I've been doing for a couple years now, (I always ask before I do it though!)...and it was a wonderful simple way to mark another Spring season transition. And what a strange changes we've been seeing! It snowed and hailed today, then the sun came out and melted it all's been the chilliest Spring I can remember....

Can't wait to watch "Wicker Man" (we have both the old and new movies, but I MUCH prefer the old 1970's one!), one of our regular "Spring Activities"...

1 comment:

Don Snabulus said...

Wicker Man, eh? Creepy, but good movies.